SMOOTHIE SEASON has arrived!

SMOOTHIE SEASON has arrived! A favourite flavour combo of mine featured here. Loaded with goodness, this smoothie contains anti-inflammatory properties, aids digestion, promotes hydration and is great for the skin…might even leave you with a nice healthy glow!

I often change up my smoothies to benefit from a variety of nutrients but I do love the combination of these ingredients when combined with coconut water for a little sweetness to balance out the earthiness of this smoothie and for the added benefit of key electrolytes.

A few tips…

Anti-inflammatory smoothie

➡️ Blending ingredients rather than juicing means you get the all important fibre required for keeping digestive function and those gut bugs healthy and thriving. Fibre also keeps you fuller for longer thereby stabilising blood sugar levels and keeps things moving along nicely to prevent constipation.
➡️ Don't use this smoothie as a meal replacement. You’ll get a nice little nutrient boost with a delicious and refreshing flavour but it’s missing key macros to make it a proper meal. If you’re going to make this for breakfast, include a boiled egg on the side or some healthy fats like avocado and collagen for protein.
➡️ Make a batch if you have kids because I promise they will steal it from you it's that yummy. Mine do so now it's one for everyone and I do my internal happy dance every time as I know they're getting sooo much goodness in a drink that they would otherwise miss out on. They're not fussy eaters but there's no chance they'll sit down to a plate of these nutrient dense ingredients otherwise!

🌿 250ml plain coconut water
🌿 1 cup baby spinach leaves
🌿 1/2 cup kale
🌿 1 celery stick
🌿 1 cube of ginger
🌿 1/2 cup papaya (or try pear/apple/kiwifruit)
🌿 Big squeeze of lemon juice
🌿 1/2 cup of ice
🌿 Other optional ingredients include pre soaked chia seeds, cucumber, cashews, avocado…take it as far as you want!

🌿 Blend all ingredients for 1 minute and serve


What is GUT DYSBIOSIS I hear you ask? Good question!