My Story.


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Hi there!

I’m Melanie and many years ago I had a strong vision and desire to work with natural health care solutions after my own struggles with my health and the lack of guidance and support I felt surrounding this. This led me to a career in becoming a Naturopath and Clinical Nutritionist – one I’m super passionate about!

I have experience working with all kinds of health conditions, with my main clinic focus being all things GUT HEALTH, particularly chronic digestive disorders like IBS, SIBO and LIBO. I also support clients with stress, low energy and blood sugar imbalances. Why? Because I’ve been there. I know how it feels. It can be a miserable time and I have experienced all of these things myself (and BTW most of these things go hand in hand with a poorly functioning digestive system!). The good news is that I’ve been able to overcome, heal from and at the very least manage my health conditions naturally without the need for medication, with the right foods, by correcting nutrient deficiencies, using nutritional and herbal medicine, focusing on a positive mindset and incorporating daily self care strategies into my life. And hey, I now feel pretty amazing most of the time which is a huge transformation from where I was many years ago.

I love using my knowledge and my passion for natural health and nutrition to educate, inspire and help others overcome their health challenges. I strive to always give my patients a space where they feel supported, safe and importantly heard so they can get back to feeling their best naturally and live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Time, patience and motivation are key. There’s no magic pill but I promise you can get there and recover your health and happiness.

Let me be your guide…

After all your health is absolutely your greatest wealth and there’s no better time than right now to make it a priority.

Using plants is merely facilitating a biochemical conversation which is often far beyond our comprehension and our understanding .

-Bevan Clare