
Gut Health.

It’s becoming more generally well known that our gut health is the key driver and foundation to having good health. In order to be well, we really need to ensure that our gut health is optimal and in great working order. When you consider that gut bacteria manufacture around 95% of our body's supply of serotonin (considered our feel good, happy hormone or neurotransmitter) which helps regulate mood and social behaviour, appetite and digestion, sleep, memory, as well as sexual desire and function, you can see just how very important your gut health is to your overall wellbeing.

If you feel like you are constantly at the mercy of your gut, I may be able to help you uncover the potential underlying root cause of your symptoms as well as possible triggers like food and stress. Often taking a good look at what’s going on on the inside with functional gut testing rather than trying to guess is a great place to start.

You don’t have to live with uncomfortable bloating, stomach pain or any other digestive symptoms that give you grief.

Blood sugar imbalances.

Blood sugar imbalances, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are serious health problems reaching epidemic proportions globally. The good news is that these conditions can be reversed and respond beautifully to natural interventions that include diet and lifestyle modifications supported by nutritional and herbal supplements.

Other areas directly impacted by the above, that I also commonly treat in clinic include:

  • Poor energy and fatigue

  • Mood support (stress, overwhelm, anxiety, depression)

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Skin issues such as psoriasis, rosacea and acne

  • Cellular detoxification


Functional pathology testing

We have many amazing tools to utilise in clinic. Beside clinical observations, pathology can really tell a story, particularly functional pathology testing which is a useful tool in line with taking a good case, and provides some great information around what’s really going on inside the body so that the underlying cause, and therefore the symptoms, can be addressed and hopefully eliminated.

Meal Planning.

Customised 7 day meal plans are available to suit your individual requirements using real, delicious wholefoods that include recipes and a shopping list. Please note meal plans are a separate cost to clinic consultations.


I present three popular workshops on Gut Health, how to Kick Sugar and Stress, Fatigue and Burnout to eager attendees at various locations. If your work has a health and wellness budget, and you’d like me to deliver one of these informative workshops, please get in touch here for details.

herbal medicine


Initial Consultation (60mins) - $180

A 60min initial consultation is a discovery health session where we take an in-depth look at your current and past health. Here we discuss in detail:

  • Your health goals

  • Your personal and family medical history

  • A general diet overview

  • Key health metrics – energy levels, stress levels, sleep quality, lifestyle insights

  • The function of relevant body systems such as the digestive system, nervous system, immune system etc.

  • A brief physical examination

  • Any initial discoveries or insights

  • Referrals for pathology testing

Follow up appointment (60mins) - $150

A 60min follow up appointment follows an initial consultation soon after to review any test results, discuss a personalised treatment/action plan and recommendations going forward.

Follow up appointment (45mins) - $120

A 45min follow up is a shorter appointment to clarify or tweak your existing treatment plan and recommendations.

The amount time we work together is entirely up to you, however my patients who achieve the best, long term results often work with me for around 3 months as treatment often requires monitoring, adjusting and sometimes a little refining, particularly where therapeutic dosing of nutritional supplements and herbal medicines has been prescribed.

Infrequent touch points are then preferable for a short period afterwards to help you stay on track as you continue to heal and begin to manage your health on your own going forward.

To book an appointment, contact the clinic directly from the information below