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After all, your health is absolutely your greatest wealth and there’s no better time than right now to make it a priority.


Is your gut giving you grief?

 Feel bloated? Pain? Constipation? Diarrhoea? Reflux? Sensitive to certain foods?

Had all the scopes? Been told everything looks normal
but you still don’t feel right?

Have you been diagnosed with IBS or another digestive disorder?

Does it affect your confidence and quality of life?

Feel like symptom management is a forever sentence?

Are you fed up feeling tired, stressed,
anxious or depressed?

Sick of medicating your symptoms and know you can feel


If you want to get back to

feeling your best naturally

but don’t know where to start, then this is where I come in.

food as medicine naturopath

gut and energy naturopath

Hi there,

I’m Melanie and I’m a qualified and experienced naturopath and clinical nutritionist who specialises in gut health including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), dysbiosis and the many symptoms associated with digestive disorders such as bloating, pain and fatigue.

Impaired gut health can wreak havoc within the body and result in other systemic and chronic health conditions and disease, therefore addressing the root cause is vital to regaining optimal health.

I’ve been there. I know how it feels. I know you can feel a thousand times better!

Let’s work together and find some answers for you. 


gut health naturopath

Uncover reasons why your gut is unhappy and irritable.

Wherever there are gut issues and digestive disorders or conditions, the following key areas are considered during treatment:

  • Diet - what you eat is one of the most important factors when it comes to gut health. There is no one size fits all with foods and diet so individualised treatment is necessary.

  • Stress - when we’re stressed the digestive system is one of the first body systems to suffer. The link between stress and gut health is significant - heard of the gut-brain axis? Understanding triggers and utilising stress management techniques along with replenishment of nutrients affected by stress is essential.

  • Gut function - your gut microbiome (bacteria, yeast, parasites), ability to break down food and absorb nutrients, gut lining integrity (heard of leaky gut?) and detoxification are just some of the factors taken into account. Functional pathology testing is an amazing tool utilised in clinic as part of assessing poor gut health drivers. Gut motility is also an important consideration.

  • Gut structure - surgery / anaesthesia, injury, scar tissue can all affect the structure of the gut and microbiome and lead to poorer digestive health outcomes.

There is so much taken into consideration when assessing poor gut health and digestive dysfunction. The beautiful thing about naturopathy is that I work with you, the individual to provide the right treatment strategies and solutions to facilitate healing. No bandaid approaches here!

Nutrition for gut health

Take a holistic approach.

Where required, nutritional supplements and herbal medicines along with dietary and lifestyle modifications like stress management and mindfulness techniques will be utilised to effect change more quickly, easily and of course naturally. This ensures long term success.

The benefits.

Benefits of working with a qualified practitioner like myself extend far and wide and you will also see improvements in many areas such as clearer, calmer skin, better weight control and mood, a sharper mind, reduced feelings of stress and increased energy levels.

Getting to the bottom of frustrating, annoying and debilitating symptoms is the ultimate goal and means you can get back to feeling great and enjoy doing the things you love.